Hong Kong Phone Code Country Code +852 Phone Calls from Hong Kong / Reverse phone lookup

To call Hong Kong from Canada, dial: 011 - 852 - Area Code - Land Phone Number 011 - 852 - 8 Digit Mobile Number. Follow the dialing format shown above while calling Hong Kong From Canada . Area code - There are 2 area codes in Hong Kong. If there is an area code dial area code of the city in Hong Kong you are calling after dialing ISD Code.
Hong Kong Address Format

011 - Canada exit code to dial first when calling international. 852 - Hong Kong country code must be dialed next. 011 + 852 + Local Number - Overall dialing code format. World Times: The time in Canada is now (CLICK FOR TIME ZONES) The time in Hong Kong is now 17:16:29 PM (05:16:29 PM) Mobile Codes: Get the mobile country codes for calling.
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Hong Kong Country Code. When it comes to calling Hong Kong, you'll need to use Hong Kong's country code, which is +852. This means you'll need to ensure that all calls you make to Hong Kong begin with this code. If you're calling via landline, you can enter 011852 instead, which includes the American exit code, 11..
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Residents may need to scan QR code into Hong Kong Covid19 app to enter certain premises

The Hong Kong telephone country code is the number 852. If you want to call Hong Kong from another country, you can do it dialing the number 852, before the entire telephone number(The dialing code or calling code or phone code of Hong Kong starts with +852).The top level 852 domain or TLD or Country specific Internet domains for Hong Kong ends with .hk and currency name of Hong Kong is Hong.
Hong Kong Virtual Mobile Number

001 - Exit code when making an international call from Hong Kong 1 + 1 - Canadian country code for inbound calls 001 + 1 + 1 + Local Number - International dialing code format. World time zone information:. Save on your call: Mobile codes: To call a mobile phone in Canada from Hong Kong use the following dialing code format: 001 + 1 + The.
Essential Phone Numbers in Hong Kong The HK HUB

To call Hong Kong from the U.S., just follow these simple dialing directions: First dial 011, the U.S. exit code. Next dial 852, the country code for Hong Kong. And finally the phone number (8 digits).
How To Get a Hong Kong Virtual Phone Number YouTube

How to Call Hong Kong? Calling Hong Kong does not have to be complicated. To call Hong Kong, follow these three simple steps: Begin by dialing the exit country code. Now dial the Hong Kong country code: +852 along with the area code you want to call in. Lastly, dial the recipient's number.
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The dialing code for Canada is 1. Exit codes and dialing codes are required to call from Hong Kong to Canada. To call internationally from Hong Kong uses IDD code 001 . IDD codes are known as exit codes and exit code 001 is Hong Kong. The exit code for Hong Kong is 001 . Dialing Code - Hong Kong to Canada - Area Code.
Hong Kong Postal Code Bruin Blog

The Hong Kong country code is 852. The local time in Hong Kong is 17:37:56 PM (05:37:56 PM) Get the mobile country codes for Hong Kong. Hong Kong Information: Hong Kong on Wikipedia. The currency of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Dollar. The nationality of Hong Kong is Hongkongers. The capital of Hong Kong is Hong Kong.
Easy Guide What is Hong Kong Postal Code

Telephone numbers in Hong Kong are mostly eight-digit. Fixed land line numbers start with 2 or 3, mobile (cellular) phone numbers with 5, 6, 7 or 9, pager numbers with 7 and forwarding service with 8 [citation needed].Since the end of 1989, there have been no area codes within Hong Kong.. The telephone number for emergency services - Police, Fire Service and Ambulance - is 999 for all.
Hong Kong Telephone Numbers Beijing Visitor China Travel Guide

011 - 852 - phone number * Use also to TEXT Hong Kong numbers. ** 011852 and +852 often work interchangeably from cell phones.
Hong Kong 852 HK Country Code (HKG) All Country Code

Dial 011. To call a Hong Kong landline from either a landline or mobile phone in the United States, first enter 011 on your phone's keypad. This is the international access code for the U.S. 2. Dial 852. Next, dial 852 on your keypad. This number is the country code for Hong Kong. 3. Enter the 8-digit phone number.
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To call Hong Kong from the Skype app, just follow these dialing instructions: First type + 852, the Hong Kong country code. Then dial the 4, 8 , 9 digits phone number. Instruction for US. Example for US. + 852 - 4, 8 , 9 digits phone number. + 852 and 4, 8 , 9 digits.
Hong Kong Telephone Numbers Beijing Visitor China Travel Guide

Hong Kong Country Code; Hong Kong Country Code. Country Calling Code + 852. E.164 (Country Calling) CODE: 852. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 CODE: HKG. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 CODE: HK. ISO 3166-1 numeric CODE: 344. Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) CODE:.hk. Country Continent World. about | faq | languages | contact
Police Warns of WhatsApp Messages from Pretty Ladies from Hong Kong (852 Area Code) Pretending

The international code for Hong Kong is +852. When making an international call to Hong Kong, you need to dial this code before the eight-digit phone number you wish to reach. For example, if you want to call a friend in Hong Kong from the United States, you would dial +852 and the eight-digit phone number.. You can contact China Mobile Hong.
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